Just the Facts – with Sources

The solar process can be confusing. Gathering the necessary information for your decision can be frustrating – and contradictory. We can’t attest to what others might tell you, but here are the facts – with independent sources to back them up. 

Solar Basics
  1. More than 3.3 million homes in the US have solar installed. (As of March 2022)1
  2. The price of solar has fallen over 80% since 2010.2
  3. Only 20% of US households can qualify for solar.3
  4. 40% of total U.S. electricity could be supplied by solar on rooftops alone.4
  5. In the United States, southern facing solar panels perform best.12
  6. Powur Solar is one of the top 100 fastest growing companies in the US.19

Solar Savings
  1. There is no cost to you until you start generating your own power.20
  2. The typical American family spends $1,335 annually on electricity.7
  3. The costs for electricity in the US have, on average, risen 2.2% annually since 2008.8
  4. Customers of Dominion Energy Virginia can expect their bills to increase by an average of about 3% annually over the next 10 years.9
  5. Dominion Energy projects it will require an investment of $81 billion by 2045 to comply with the Virginia Clean Economy Act.10
  6. The Federal government offers a 22% tax credit on all solar related installation expenses in 2021.11
  7. Dominion Energy is required by law to buy your overproduction.18
  8. Carbon Credits (officially Solar Renewable Energy Certificates (SRECs)) can earn you hundreds or thousands of dollars a year.21
Your Solar System
  1. Each home that goes solar, reduces the burning of over 8,000 pounds of coal in a year, eliminating 12,500 pounds of carbon dioxide.5
  2. Homes with solar panels installed sell for approximately 4.1% more than homes without solar.6
  3. Solar panels have no moving parts and require virtually no maintenance.13
  4. Solar panels carry a standard 25-year warranty but can last up to 40 years.14
  5. A home with solar panels reduces its 30-year carbon footprint by 100 tons.15
  6. Installed solar panels shade your roof and reduce the temperature in your attic by 35%.16
  7. Solar panels generate energy even on cloudy days.17

  1. https://www.seia.org/news/united-states-surpasses-2-million-solar-installations
  2. https://solstice.us/solstice-blog/solar-energy-statistics/
  3. https://solstice.us/solstice-blog/why-americans-cant-access-rooftop-solar/
  4. https://www.nature.com/scitable/blog/eyes-on-environment/the_power_of_rooftop_solar/
  5. https://solstice.us/solstice-blog/solar-energy-statistics/
  6. https://www.zillow.com/research/solar-panels-house-sell-more-23798/
  7. https://www.axionpower.com/knowledge/solar-facts/
  8. https://www.eia.gov/
  9. https://www.cfact.org/2020/05/23/dominion-energy-proposes-40-rate-hike-in-virginia-to-pay-for-net-zero-carbon/
  10. https://www.dailypress.com/business/dp-nw-dominion-irp-20200502-cw745cokzvae3dutvjwtpdkzjm-story.html
  11. https://www.energy.gov/sites/prod/files/2020/01/f70/Guide%20to%20Federal%20Tax%20Credit%20for%20Residential%20Solar%20PV.pdf
  12. https://www.greenmatch.co.uk/solar-energy/solar-panels/solar-panel-facts
  13. https://www.greenmatch.co.uk/solar-energy/solar-panels/solar-panel-facts
  14. https://www.fool.com/investing/2017/11/26/10-facts-about-solar-energy-that-might-surprise-yo.aspx
  15. https://www.solarpowerauthority.com/50-facts-about-solar-power/
  16. https://phys.org/news/2011-07-solar-panels-cool.html
  17. https://us.sunpower.com/blog/2019/05/09/how-solar-panels-work-cloudy-days
  18. https://www.dominionenergy.com/virginia/renewable-energy-programs/net-metering
  19. https://www.prweb.com/releases/for_the_2nd_time_powur_pbc_appears_on_the_inc_5000_ranking_no_61_with_three_year_revenue_growth_of_5_890_percent/prweb18135718.htm
  20. https://www.sunrun.com/solar-plans-and-services
  21. https://www.srectrade.com/blog/srec-markets/virginia-srec-market-update